Koobface worm to users: Be my Friend in Facebook

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009 · 0 komentar

A worm that hit Facebook last December has resurfaced, a security researcher said today, and is now hijacking user accounts -- not only for that social networking service, but also for MySpace, Friendster, LiveJournal and others.

The Koobface worm is again making the rounds on Facebook, said Jamz Yaneza, a research project manager with Trend Micro Inc. "But this is an improved version with some interesting functions," he said.

Like the variant that hit Facebook late last year, the newest Koobface tries to dupe users into clicking on a link that's included in a message from a friend. Clicking on the link displays a fake error message claiming that Adobe System Inc.'s Flash is out of date, and prompts the user to download an update.

The update is nothing of the sort, but is instead an executable file that installs the Koobface worm.

"Koobface.az," as Trend pegged the worm, rifles through a compromised PC, sniffs out browser cookies associated with 10 different social networking sites, uses the usernames and passwords within those cookies to log on to each service, searches for the infected user's friends, and then sends those people messages that include a link to the worm.

It looks for cookies connected to bebo.com, Facebook, Friendster, fubar.com, hi5.com, LiveJournal, MySpace, myYearbook, Netlog and Tagged.

Much of the message processing takes place on a remote server, said Yaneza, which the hackers control. That server communicates with each infected PC, receiving data and sending instructions. "This is pretty serious stuff," Yaneza said.

Trend Micro has identified more than 300 Internet protocol (IP) addresses hosting the worm, and although some have been blocked, others are still online. Those addresses are located in Asia, Yaneza said.

"This is maybe only in its early stages," he added, referring to the small but growing number of infections. "I'd call it fairly active at the moment."

Koobface.az isn't the only piece of malware to have struck Facebook recently. Trend, as well as other security vendors, have noted a pair of scams in the past week that targeted users of the popular service. The most recent sent messages to users claiming that friends had turned them in for violating Facebook's terms of service; when people clicked on the included link, they downloaded an application that spammed all friends with a similar message and may have harvested information from each Facebook account as it did so.

"I don't think this is a coincidence," said Yaneza, speaking of Koobface coming hard on the heels of other attacks against Facebook users. "[Cyber criminals] are looking at how these services are being used, and more importantly, their sizes," he said.

"Users need to be very, very careful about what they install when they're on these [social networking] services," Yaneza advised. "And they should be careful about how they use social networks and what information they put on them. The criminals are gleaning all the information they can and using it against you."

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AMD delays chip plant spin-off vote because of low turnout

Minggu, 15 Februari 2009 · 0 komentar

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. was forced to give its stockholders another week to weigh the chip maker's plan to spin off its manufacturing operations, after too few shares were voted at a meeting held this morning.

AMD announced that 97% of the shares voted at the meeting, which was held in Austin, were cast in favor of the spin-off plan. But votes were cast for only 42% of the company's shares. To reach a quorum, a majority of the shares needed to be voted.

As a result, the company decided to adjourn the meeting until Feb. 18 to give stockholders more time to vote on the plan, under which AMD's chip plants would be taken over by a new entity that will temporarily be called The Foundry Co.

The spin-off would be majority-owned by an investment firm controlled by the government of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. AMD would hold a 34.2% ownership stake, down from the 44.4% that it was originally due to own — a decrease that the parties agreed to in December after a drop-off in the value of AMD's stock.

Asked about the low number of votes that were cast at today's meeting, AMD said that it moved too quickly to close the deal and didn't give stockholders enough time to vote.

"In essence, we pursued too aggressive a timeline for the vote," AMD spokesman Michael Silverman said via e-mail. "All parties remain fully committed to closing the transaction and, pending the stockholder vote, expect to close the transaction in the next few weeks."

Doug Freedman, a financial analyst at Greenwich, Conn.-based Broadpoint AmTech, accepted the company's explanation. "I just think the timetable on the proxy to vote was too tight," Freedman said.

However, Wall Street punished AMD for the delay. The company's share price was down nearly 12% this afternoon, to less than $2.10 per share.

AMD has been struggling financially for several quarters, and the spin-off deal is intended to help turn around its fortunes by offloading the company's costly manufacturing operations and the substantial debt it has accumulated there.

If the deal is eventually approved by stockholders, AMD would essentially be broken into two separate parts. AMD itself would continue to design and market its chips, while the spin-off would own and operate the company's manufacturing plants in the U.S. and Germany.

AMD has cleared the major regulatory hurdles to the deal, making the stockholder vote its last big obstacle. The company expects to complete the spin-off within a few days of getting stockholder approval, according to company executives.

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Microsoft Exchange 14 Webmail to get Gmail-like threads, Firefox support

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Exchange 14, the next version of Microsoft Corp.'s market-leading corporate e-mail server software, will add support for Google Inc.'s Gmail-like conversation view, full support for the Firefox and Safari Web browsers, and integrated instant messaging, the company said Thursday.

The features will all be part of Exchange's revamped corporate Webmail service, Outlook Web Access (OWA), according to a blog and video posted by Microsoft's Exchange development team. OWA will be renamed Outlook Live in Exchange 14.

Microsoft has not set a release date yet, but it said last month that it had been beta-testing Outlook Live for more than a year with 3.5 million students and faculty at 1,500 schools.

Outlook Live is the Web-based counterpart to Microsoft's Outlook desktop e-mail client software. It is meant for users who are on the go or logging in from a smartphone. It is different from Windows Live Hotmail, Microsoft's consumer Webmail service.

OWA has been criticized by users for lacking the features of both Outlook and Gmail.

Besides adding full support for Firefox and Safari (in addition to its own Internet Explorer), Outlook Live will add an optional "conversation view" similar to Gmail's. E-mails will be grouped by senders and recipients, and can be hidden underneath the most recent one for a cleaner look.

Microsoft has not said whether e-mail threading will be available in the next version of the Outlook client. That feature is already available from a third-party software maker, ClearContext Corp.

Outlook Live will also let users see the "presence" of people such as co-workers on their contact lists, when those users are managed on the same Exchange 14 server. Users can then send IMs to people on the same network.

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Acronis True Image Home 2009

Jumat, 30 Januari 2009 · 1 komentar

Acronis True Image Home 2009, merupakan solusi backup dan recovery yang cukup handal, mampu memproteksi PC setelah sati click program ini, dan memudahkan Anda untuk recover PC dari virus, download software yang tidak stabil, dan harddisk yang error atau rusak. Software ini akan membuat copy dari PC, termasuk system operasi, aplikasi, user settings, dan semua data, lalu mengembalikannya dari kerusakan hanya dalam beberapa menit, atau mem-backup file yang penting dan mengembalikannya dengan cepat. Untuk men-download Acronis True Image Home 2009 atau meng-upgrade-nya bisa langsung ke situs penyedia software ini (www.software.com), dengan harga $42.49.

Acronis True Image Home 2009 menyediakan fleksibilitas yang maksimum untuk memastikan PC user terproteksi, dan dapat melindungi PC dari semua event yang yang tidak terduga, seperti virus, software yang error, dan kerusakan harddisk. Jika system PC user rusak atau terkena serangan virus atau kerusakan lainnya, maka user dapat me-restore seluruh system disk dalam hitungan menit.

Acronis True Image Home 2009 juga akan mengembalikan semua settings untuk Microsoft Office, iTunes, Windows Media Player dan semua aplikasi yangtelah terinstal. User juga dapat menentukan apakah akan backup otomatis dari harddisk atau ke drive lainnya. Software Acronis True Image Home 2009 ini memiliki interface yang cantik, dan dapat bekerja di system Windows XP dan Vista.

Acronis True Image Home 2009 memiliki salah satu kelebihan dimana capat menemukan atau mem-backup file yang bertipe .zip. Program Acronis True Image Home 2009 ini juga support untuk menerima data dari dokumen di harddisk dan USB secara bersamaan. File di USB dapat disimpan sementara di Acronis TIB, format kompresi data yang powerful di Acronis, atau dalam format ZIP atau format file biasa.

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SSD SanDisk G3, 5x

Rabu, 28 Januari 2009 · 1 komentar

SanDisk Corporation hari ini telah merilis SSD (Solid-State Drive) yang menggunakan teknologi flash memory NAND multi-level. SanDisk G3 Series, membangun benchmark dalam performace dan kepemimpinan SanDisk dalam industri SSD. Didesain untuk mengganti keberadaan hardisk (HDD) dalam PC notebook, terdapat dua tipe family SanDisk G3 ini, SSD C25-G3 dan SSD C18-G3, dengan standard dimensi bentuk masing-masing, 2.5 inch dan 1.8 inch. Masing-masing tipe akan dilengkapi dengan interface SATA-II, dengan kapasitas 60GB, 120GB dan 240GB, dan dengan harga perkiraan masing-masing $149, $249 dan $499.

SSD SanDisk G3 juga memiliki kecepatan lima kali lebih cepat dibandingkan harddisk 7,200 RPM, dan dua kali lebih cepat dibanding SSD di tahun 2008. SSD G3 memiliki clocking 40,000 vRPM1 dan performance sequencial 200MB/s read dan 140MB/s write. SSD G3 menyediakan LDE (Longterm Data Endurance) sebesar 160TBW (Terabytes Written) untuk SSD G3 versi 240GB.

“SSD SanDisk G3 juga akan memenuhi permintaan user dengan kapasitas 120GB dengan harga $250. Terdapat tiga kunci fitur SanDisk, algoritma SSD yang baru yang diberi nama ExtremeFFSTM, yang mampu membuat performance write secara acak untuk menambah 100 kali kekuatan dibanding algoritma tradisional. Fitur lainnya seperti 43nm multi-level cell (MLC) all bit-line (ABL) NAND flash, dan pengontrol SSD SanDisk, yang akan menyatukan NAND dan algoritma tersebut.” kata Rich Heye, wakil presiden senior dan general manager unit bisnis SSD di SanDisk.

SSD SanDisk G3 akan hadir di pertengahan 2009, dalam konfigurasi 2.5 inch PATA, dalam website sandisk.com. “Dengan kapasitas yang besar dan harga yang agresif, SSD nantinya akan menguasai dunia notebook corporate di tahun 2009. Menurut Web-Feet Research, yang telah menguji kehandalan SSD ini, notebook dengan SSD akan menambah cepat waktu booting, loading aplikasi, dan responsive user, yang semuanya kurang bisa dilakukan oleh harddisk.” jelas Heye.

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Suara Music Video Hilang Pada Youtube

Selasa, 27 Januari 2009 · 0 komentar

Rabu lalu, YouTube bermaksud menyeimbangkan kebutuhan pemegang hal cipta musik dan content-nya dengan pengguna YouTube, hingga YouTube memberikan pilihan bagi siapa saja yang ‘membajak’ atau bahkan mendengarkan lagu dari musisi seluruh dunia, maka harus bersiap untuk ketidaknyamanan dalam menikamti videonya. Hasilnya ratusan video akan keluar tanpa suara, walaupun gambar masih tetap ada. Tindakan YouTube ini merupakan tanggapan dari permintaan Warner Music Group di bulan Desember lalu, dimana YouTube menghapus akses video musik dari Warner. Permintaan tersebut datang setelah adanya negosiasi mengenai persetujuan lisensi.

Setelah perjanjian lisensi tersebut disahkan, YouTube buru-buru memperingatkan user, bahwa mereka tidak akan bisa menonton video dengan musik yang dimiliki Warner Music Group, karena YouTube telah memblokirnya. “Lisensi music bisa sangat membingungkan, namun kamu mencoba membuat pengalaman menikmati video dan music untuk user, menjadi lebih simple. Kami inigin user memikirkan terlebih dulu sebelum men-download video dengan music, terutama menyangkut video dan music orang lain.” ungkap pihak YouTube.

Tindakan YouTube sempat membuat para ‘penggemarnya’ menjadi berang. Salah satu member YouTube, KariWolf, dalam blog-nya mengungkapkan, bahwa apa gunanya melihat video musik, jika tidak bisa mendengarkan lagu tersebut. Member lainnya bernama HispanicImpression, menyatakan YouTube suka menghapus video, dan bahkan sekarang malah menghilangkan suara music dalam video. HispanicImpression bahkan juga mengajak member dan pengguna YouTube lainnya untuk memboikot industri music, hanya membeli CD audio, dan tidak perlu men-download dari situs music online.

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Prototype Dikembangkan

Senin, 26 Januari 2009 · 0 komentar

Mungkin karena terinspirasi oleh jubah tak kelihatan dari film Harry Potter, para peneliti di Universitas Duke mengatakan pihaknya kini sedang mengembangkan sebuah prototype yang bisa membuat orang tidak kelihatan (invisible). Prototype tersebut yang biasa digunakan di fil fiksi Harry Potter untuk menyusup ke hall sekolah Hogwarts dan memata-matai musuhnya tanpa kelhatan, salah seorang peneliti, David R. Smith, mengungkapkan prototype tersebut bisa digunakan untuk improvisasi komunikasi wireless dan pelindung gelombang seismic.

Para peneliti Universitas Duke tersebut mengungkapkan kreasi terbaru mereka akan memuaskan daripada prototype simple yang pernah mereka kembangkan di tahun 2006. Prototype baru tersebut menggunakan rangkaian algoritma dan berbagai material untuk membuat gelombang elektromagnetik di sekitar object, dan memunculkan gelombang elektromagnetik di sisi lain, seperti menembus apapun, kecuali udara.

“Device yang kami kembangkan dapat menutup spectrum gelombang yang luas, hampir tak terbatas. Material dalam device prototype ini dapat membelokkan gelombang elektromagnetik. Ketika gelombang dibelokkan di sekitar material prototype, maka prototype akan muncul, jika object tidak berada dalam prototype.” ungkap Smith.

Duke mengatakan, fenomena prototype invisible ini sama seperti imajinasi atau khayalan. Sama seperti sewaktu melihat genangan air di jalan ketika siang yang terik, namun sebenarnya adalah refleksi dari matahari di langit. Prototype yang didesain para peneliti di Duke ini berukuran 20 inch x 4 inch dan dengan tebal kurang dari 1 inch. Prototype tersebut dibuat lebih dari 10,000 potongan yang disusun dengan baris parallel. Setiap potongan mengandung material fiberglass yang digunakan di board circuit dan disisipi dengan tembaga. Smith menjelaskan algoritma dalam prototype akan membentuk prototype dan ditempatkan di setiap potongan.

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